About Ephemeral Energy
Hi, I’m Dr Vegard Engen (PhD), the creator of Ephemeral Energy 🌟
Ephemeral Energy was created in 2016, and the name reflects a key aspect of nature; that life is ephemeral. ‘Ephemeral’ means transitory (changing / not lasting forever), and the services offered at Ephemeral Energy are based on the core premise that we can change and grow, and that pain and difficulties we may experience in our lives are also temporary in nature.
Growth and Change

I came into the world with chronic pain, and spent decades learning to live with it and manage it as best as I could. I tried everything that was supposed to be good for you; that was supposed to work, and seemed to work for others. But not me. Despite everything I was doing for my health and wellbeing, the issues with chronic pain gradually got worse, so I know first hand how it can become a focus and impact on your quality of life.
However, after decades of focusing on chronic pain, I was delving deeper and deeper into not only understanding pain, but myself and the world around me. I experienced the power of various complementary and alternative therapies, and understood the real meaning of self-care, delving deeper down the ‘rabbit hole’. My health and wellbeing started improving, and, one day, something significant changed.
The focus on pain shifted towards a focus on living a full life. A life with more joy and abundance, meaning and purpose, regardless of how messy life might get at times, embracing what it means to be human ❤️
While I have experienced deep change myself, one of the most rewarding things I get to do with Ephemeral Energy is supporting others to make the changes they want in life 🙏
Professional Practice
Professionally, my career first took me into science and research. I have a PhD in Artificial Intelligence, which combines technical interests in computer science, neuroscience, psychology and biology!
For the services at Ephemeral Energy, my main qualifications include PSYCH-K®, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Matrix Reimprinting. Other qualifications include ITEC Sports Massage Therapy, NeuroKinetic Therapy® (NKT), Reiki (Master Teacher) and level 2 qualifications in counselling skills and mental health conditions (for adults and children). I am also a certified RockDoc (kinesiology taping).
Finally, rest assured I am fully ensured for all services offered, and I am a member of the CThA.
Green Energy and Secure Browsing
You may care as much about the environment and ethical living as I do, so you may appreciate that this website is powered by a green web host. You may also appreciate that all communication with this website is secured via SSL!